I'm going to start trying to keep a monthly going update of my life happenings both for myself and friends. These will likely include things I'm doing, reading, thinking, etc
I went to Cyprus (the southern part) over reading week! Which, all things considered was a little disappointing. It was still nice to go. However, to embark on a five hour flight (both ways) only to find that London weather was contemporaneously nicer was a bit of a let-down. That being said it was still a nice break from school and life. Went with some school friends which was a good bonding exercise... so now they're stuck with me for life. In regards to Cyprus I found the food to be nothing special however the ocean is pretty, and I got to see some old shit like, 2000-year-old shit. I presume I'm supposed to be interested in this stuff as I study history? Ultimately I have come away from the experience with an image in by head of it being 'British' Disneyland. There were a host of British themed restaurants, even a Pizza Express to boot. Simply put, at least in the more touristy places, everything seemed marketed towards the Brits.
Quite pleasant book which was recommended to me by a University friend. It details the life of an up and coming history academic at a no name school somewhere in the British midlands. I personally find it quite relatable being in a similar academic position. It's got just the right about of witty British humor which I've come to appreciate
I've started re-reading Catch-22 as it's come to be one of my favorite books.
I've had two courses this semester, which has been both a good thing in a bad thing. I have a lot of free time; I have too much free time. Especially problematic in a country containing a pub on just about every city block. That aside I've started work on my dissertation, however I'm still yet to make much headway on how I'm to research my question: impacts of government transparency on debt markets.
I've started sorta climbing again, not with large frequency however it's still very nice to get some physical activity in which isn't just walking around.
Fun fact, Visual Studio's markdown editor will let you know that the word 'shit' is 'considered offensive'.