
(In no particular order)

2001 A Space Odyssey
Kubrick made this just to flex on anyone who wanted to make a movie set in space for the next 50 years.
Be booo badaddadededdadoo da dooodioo
Never before have I seen a movie that is able to so elegantly balance such depressing and dark occurrences, with such heartwarming and inspiring instances. I have never cried so hard, and never been more inspired either.
The Sound of Metal
Place holder thoughts
Spirited Away
Place holder thoughts
Children Of Men
Place holder thoughts
Do the Right Thing
Place holder thoughts
There Will Be Blood
Place holder thoughts
The Shining
Place holder thoughts
Everything Everywhere all at Once
Place holder thoughts
High and Low
Place holder thoughts
The Tale of Princess Kaguya
Place holder thoughts
A Clockwork Orange
Place holder thoughts
Place holder thoughts
Place holder thoughts
Fight Club
Place holder thoughts
Black Swan
Place holder thoughts
Blade Runner 2049
Place holder thoughts
Only Yesterday
Place holder thoughts
Marcel the Shell With Shoes On
Place holder thoughts
It's Such a Beautiful Day
Place holder thoughts

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